Tuesday, June 19, 2007

To Flickr And Beyond...

First, I'd like to say that the Hawaii Flickr Meetup looked extremely boring! I posted my photos on Flickr, but not without several obstacles so please take a moment to look at them: http://www.flickr.com/photos/8741903@N07/

As for my experience with Learn 2.0, up until about Week #7 I was flying through the lessons. I started out working with a partner, but that sort of changed as the weeks progressed. We were both working at different paces. I still made myself available to help when needed though. It's funny to think back to Week #1 when just making a comment to the Learn 2.0 blog made me nervous. I was just sort of peeking into the blogging world. Now I'm all settled. I've moved in my furniture, decorated, and met some of my neighbors!

1 comment:

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Thanks for sharing your experience with Learn 2.0! I appreciate the feedback. Believe me, I was very conscious of the shift after week 7. The original plan had 7 and 8 switched (see the course agenda) which would have provided a bit of a breather. The holiday goofed that up. You have done well and as you mentioned, we have all traveled a long way since that first post!
