Monday, June 25, 2007

The End of the Road

I can't wait to receive my MP3 player. The first thing I'm going to do is give it a name. Then together we'll spend lots of time downloading music. My player and I will take long walks in the park, relax on the couch eating some yummy snacks, or maybe start doing yoga together. We are sure to be the best of friends!

On a more serious note, since this is probably my last official post for Learn 2.0 I would like to take a moment to thank everyone involved in this process. I have acquired so many new computer skills as a result of the lessons. It seems the more frustrated I became during the lesson, the more I learned. Learn 2.0 was a great experience!

P.S.- The audio book that I downloaded was Emily Dickinson, Poems and Letters. The main reason I chose this title was that it only took 2 minutes to download. Once I have my MP3 player I can be more selective. The most difficult part about this task was searching for a title.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on finishing the course! I like the pic of the Avatar you. It bears a good resemblence to you. So, are you having fun with your MP3 player? I just finished my course and now am on the waiting end... won't be too long.