Watch Who Killed the Electric Car? if you want to see how politicians and corporations squashed (literally!) perfectly viable alternative-fuel vehicles back in the 90's. Also, check out Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price to see the effect the stores have on their employees, the economy, the environment, and small businesses.
If after watching these documentaries you get a little depressed, maybe you should consider watching a silly comedy. My pick would be A Night at the Opera which is my favorite Marx Brothers movie. It's a classic! And that's all I have to say about that.
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome. I especially love the links to the OPAC! That Wal-Mart movie confirmed my decision from a while ago not to shop there. Ever. (You already knew that, didn't you...)
google search MDI AIR CAR
very cool car that uses no gas or oil!
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